Wednesday, February 12, 2020

2019 Summa Cum Laude Albums. Top 10

Songs coming when I get around to it. Go buy these if you don't have them.

10. Nemesea. White Flag.

This is the third Dutch female-fronted band to make my Summa list. And they all belong here.


This Canadian singer led band is based in LA. This album got better and better every time I listened to it.

8. Thea Gilmore Small World Turning.

This UK singer -songwriter has been around a while. I just "discovered" her this year. This is a wonderful album.

7. P!NK. Hurts 2B Human.

If she releases in album, there is a good chance it makes my list. This one did more than just make my list.

6. Ingrid Michaelson Stranger Songs

Another singer who will generally find a place on my list. Again, more than just "makes".

5. Grace Potter Daylight.

I think if I made list of my ten most favorite artists, it would vary over time. But Grace Potter would almost always be there.

4. Emily Wolfe Emily Wolfe

This Austin based singer first caught my attention in 2014. This is her first full album. And damn! It's good.

3. Alice Merton MINT

This Berlin based singer caught my attention in 2017 with her EP. This is her first full album. I never will get tired of listening to it.

2. Jocelyn & Chris Arndt The Fun and the Fight

A sibling duo from Upstate NY. I had never heard of them before this last Summer. This album blew me away. Currently based in Massachusets.

1. Jade Bird Jade Bird

Her EP Something American caught a lot of attention in 2017 (indeed, made my Summa list despite being merely an EP). She is truly a wonderful artist. We will likely here much more from amazing talent from the UK in years to come. This album is truly #1 for me in a year of many great albums.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

2019 Summa Cum Laude Albums Part I

There are rank-ordered.

22. Jenny Lewis On The Line.

From Las Vegas, Jenny Lewis has done many things and putting out albums is prominent among them. In 2019, she gave us this gem.


21. Sleater-Kinney. The Center Won't Hold.

Great band from Olympia, Washington. They have producing great music since 1994. This is no exception.


20. Hillsburn. The Wilder Beyond.

From Novia Scotia, I really enjoy this band.

19. Ayla Nereo By the Light of the Dark Moon.

This San Fransisco based folk singer captivated me with this album.

18. The Yawpers. Human Question

Hailing from Denver.

17. Southern Avenue Keep On

From Memphis, TN. These guys are really good.

16. Ex Libris. Ann (A progressive Metal Trilogy).

This Dutch symphonic metal band is led by their founder, Dianne van Giersbergen. I could listen to her voice for hours.

15. Taylor Swift Lover

Yes, you read that correctly. I like this album a lot.

14. Lissie When I am Alone - The Piano Retrospective

Lissie is one of my favorite singers period. I had the privilege of seeing her live twice in 2019. This is not a typical album,it is her performing many of her existing songs acoustically on piano.

13. Within Temptation Resist.

This Dutch Symphonic Metal band is one of the definitive bands of the genre. And they are still making great music.

12. Nina Nesbitt The Sun Will Come Up, The Seasons Will Change

I have followed this young Scottish singer for some time. This album delivers many outstanding momnets.

11. Amanda Palmer There Will Be No Intermission.

What words can decribe her? Iconic? Goddess? Perhaps words fail. But I love this album.